Wedding Planning 101: Creating a Memorable Wedding Dance Choreography


You can’t wait for your wedding, when you and your partner will recognize your love and commitment to one another in the presence of your friends and family. One of the most memorable moments of your wedding will be the first dance, a moment that symbolizes the beginning of your new journey together. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of creating a wedding dance choreography, from strengthening your relationship to making lasting memories! 

Creating a memorable first dance choreography in Chicago

A meaningful wedding dance experience begins at the very first private lesson and continues right up to the moment family and friends enjoy watching you dance together at your wedding.

We can all agree that wedding dances are fun, joyous, and inherently significant because they are a public expression of the couple’s love for each other and allow family and friends to celebrate the couple’s commitment to one another. 

But what makes the first dance a memorable moment, one that goes beyond the dance floor and gets you excited for your life together? 

I’d like to share how the process of creating a first dance choreography together can deepen your bond, help you recharge from wedding planning stress, and prepare for marriage. 

A moment to connect

As exciting as wedding planning can be, it can also feel hectic and stressful. Your private wedding dance lessons can become a welcome breath of fresh air where you and your fiancé can pause, rest from the wedding preparations, and spend quality time together. 

While all eyes are on you at the wedding, your first dance provides a moment for you and your partner to connect, forget about everything else for a few minutes, and just have eyes for one another.

Bonding experience

Partner dancing can be a bonding experience for you and your fiancé. By negotiating leading and following while learning a new skill together, you can practice communication, trust, and cooperation, all of which help deepen your emotional bond.

Increased intimacy

The act of dancing and engaging in non-verbal communication through movement and touch can help you become more attuned and synchronized with one another, increasing a sense of closeness. The embrace in partner dancing can feel romantic and sensual, increasing connection between the two of you and perhaps building excitement for your honeymoon!

Shared expression of your uniqueness

Your first dance is an opportunity to get creative and have fun expressing your unique personalities and who you are as a couple! You can choose a song that has meaning to you both, and choreograph a dance that reflects your style, the qualities of your love story, and your relationship. Your dance instructor can also help you incorporate props, costumes, or a surprise dance routine to make your first dance even more special!

Confidence booster

Learning a new skill and performing in front of an audience can be a confidence booster for you and your partner. It can also give you a sense of accomplishment and teamwork that can be carried into your marriage.

Creates lasting memories

Your wedding day will probably be one of the most memorable days of your life, and your first dance is a moment you will never forget. In years to come, you can relive the moment by watching your wedding video or dancing to your song on anniversaries.

A symbol of community 

As well as an expression of your love, the first dance can also be a form of entertainment for your guests and a symbol of communal support. As your guests are witnesses of your union and are inspired to join you on the dance floor, you can remember how they have chosen to be a part of your lives by supporting and cheering you on. You are not alone as you step into this new chapter together! 


The first dance is a traditional part of most weddings, and it could be a meaningful way to honor your family and cultural heritage. It could also be an opportunity to start your own traditions as a couple.

Creating and sharing your wedding dance will become a part of your story as a couple – one that may reveal areas of your relationship, highlight strengths, and even reconcile differences! As you embark on this journey, remember to enjoy and take advantage of your wedding dance lessons. Spending time together, working toward a shared goal, and reflecting on your love story to share it with loved ones will allow you to connect deeply, strengthen your relationship, and create lasting memories. 

Schedule a free consultation for therapeutic wedding dance lessons in Chicago 

Are you ready to have an unforgettable first dance? Learn how I can help you create a fun and meaningful wedding dance choreography, deepen your romantic bond, and build on your foundation as you prepare for the “I do’s” and beyond! Schedule your free consultation today. 

Lisaura is a certified dance therapist, trained partner dance instructor, and licensed clinical counselor who is passionate about helping engaged couples enjoy each other and build a solid foundation for marriage. Learn more about her work here.